Sugeng Rawuh Poro Kawulaning Gusti

Saturday, 29 October 2011

A fragment from serat Wedhatama

Mangkono ngelmu kang nyoto
  sayatane mung weh reseping ati
     bungah ingaranan cubluk
        sukeng tyas yen den ina
           nora koyo si punggung anggung gumunggung
             hugungan sadino dino 
               aja mangkono wong urip.

(Ind: ketika menguasai intisari ilmu pengetahuan,
          anda akan mengalami penghalusan budi pekerti,
              ikhlas jika disebut bodoh,
                  tidak sakit hati jika dihina,
                      tidak seperti si bodoh yang selalu besar kepala,
                         minta dipuji tiap hari,
                            jangan seperti itu dalam hidupmu)

(Eng: when you're mastered the essence of knowledge,
             you character will be refined,
                 it won't bother you if someone else says that you're dumb,
                     and you won't be offended when being insulted
                        unlike those who are fools,
                           who wished to be praised everyday
                             shouldn't be like that in your life

This piece of Javanese poet was a fragment from the infamous Serat Wedhatama. Serat Wedhatama itself was a royal script that contains dozens of traditional poets. Those poets teach us the "do's" & "dont's", in order to achieve a better life. This script was created by the fourth ruler of Mangkunegaran Sultanate, Prince KGPAA (Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Anom) Mangkunegara IV.

Friday, 28 October 2011

A piece of Sundanese Poet (Mijil)

Aduh gusti, nu kawasa,
   Jisim abdi ageng dosa,
      pangna abdi gering nangtung,
        reh ka sepuh, wantun nundung…….

(oh god, the most powerful,
      i confess that i’m full of sins,
          i cannot withstand this pain,
             cause’ of the sins i do to my elder)